的 mission of the 性别和性行为研究中心 is to provide support for faculty, 学生, and community partners who investigate 性别 and 性 through intersectional scholarship and activism. We advocate for work that bridges the diverse communities represented at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and its surrounding community.







蒙特贝罗厅,美国南加州大学,下午3:00 - 4:15


的 Young Lords: Puerto Rican Radicals Fight for 性别 Justice in the 1960s

Dr. Johanna费尔南德斯



性别 & Sexualities Resource Center, USU, 3rd Floor 10:50am-12:05pm



伯纳丁博士Hernández -新墨西哥大学

Dr. 安妮塔Huízar-Hernández -亚利桑那大学

Dr. Viviana Beatriz MacManus -西方学院

待定:下午3:00 -4:30


Dr. Alisa Bierria - UCLA

的 Ann Garry and Sharon Bishop endowed lecture in Feminist 哲学

待定:下午3:00 -4:30


: 4月25日~ 4月26日 第二十届年度学生研究会议



4月25日: 博士主题演讲. C. 莱利·斯诺顿-芝加哥大学

洛杉矶房间AB, USU


alt text: a graphic of the 2024年春季日历 of events, 如上所示列出事件详细信息, 采用浅色设计和字体





alt text: a graphic of the 2023年秋季日历 of events, 如上所示列出事件详细信息, 有颜色设计和字体 


 Dr. 张哲(Meredith Zhang)

Dr. 张哲(Meredith Zhang) got her PhD in Sociology from Ohio State University, then spent a few years at Rice University for a post-doctorate fellowship. 就在她成为金鹰之前, as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology, she was in the Ozarks as an Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas. She's broadly interested in anything related to family, 健康, 性别, 性, 衰老/生命过程. Most of her current work explores how family characteristics and experiences shape the 健康 and well-being of sexual and 性别 minorities.


Existing literature finds that caregiving can be stressful and have negative 健康 effects. 进一步, the association between caregiving and mental 健康 is found to be more negative among women than men. 然而, relatively little research has considered the joint role of 性别 and sexual identity in shaping individual caregiving experience and mental 健康 outcomes. 为了解决这一研究缺口, 本研究使用BRFSS的数据, a probability-based sample of adults living in 36 U.S. states between 2015 and 2021 and examines the association between mental well-being (poor mental 健康 days in a month) and caregiving status (providing unpaid care or not) by considering the joint role of 性别 (i.e.(男性或女性)和性别认同(i.e.(异性恋、同性恋或双性恋). Preliminary results suggest that the 性别ed association between caregiving and mental well-being may be more prominent among heterosexuals than sexual minorities.


她喜欢学习语言. 她说普通话和广东话, and she has a 1900-day streak learning Spanish in Duolingo as of February 2024. She is also an avid podcast listener, who tries to include interesting podcasts in her class.


Dr. 朱利安 Nykolak

Dr. 朱利安 Nykolak is Assistant Professor of Modern and Contemporary 艺术历史. He received his PhD in 2017 from the Graduate Program in Visual and Cultural Studies at the University of Rochester and his research has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, 惠特尼独立研究项目, 和夏多布里昂奖学金. 他的作品已在 艺术杂志, 艺术历史, 和热带雨林, and he is currently completing his book manuscript entitled “的 Ends of the Avant-Garde: Painting and Politics circa 1968.” At 加州大学洛杉矶分校 he is the chair of the 艺术历史 option and recently coordinated a lecture series that brought contemporary artists Beatriz Cortez, 李康升, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, 塞尔戈麦斯, 联欢晚会Poras-Kim, 和拉法·埃斯帕萨一起去学校.


在担任研究员期间, Nykolak will begin a chapter for his second book project, “Impossible Communities: 的 East Village 艺术 Scene,跨性别艺术家格里尔·兰克顿(Greer Lankton). Lankton gained renown for her meticulously fabricated yet motley dolls, which she subjected to perpetual change under the watchful eye of photography—challenging the idea of the static work of art while staging the body as transformable and 性别 as successive. This project considers Lankton’s doll-making alongside her work dressing windows at a cult East Village vintage boutique to explore notions of lifestyle, 自我塑造, and the body as property as part of a larger argument concerned with the model of the subject that took shape within the rubble of the neoliberal remaking of the self and unmaking of the social in the early 1980s.


  • Present your research at the annual "性别、性和权力" student research conference

  • Receive a research award for your conference presentation

  • Attend CSGS and GSRC coffee hours to tell us who you want to bring to campus

  • Apply to become a CSGS student administrative assistant

  • Apply for the CSGS 教师 Research Fellowship for one semester of course release

  • Attend the 教师 Fellow Research Lecture and CSGS events

  • 加入CSGS教师顾问委员会 发展学院关系

  • Chair a student panel (from your class or otherwise) at the CSGS student research conference

  • Meet past and present community partners: Trans Latin@ Coalition, 到达洛杉矶, 艺术同盟, 一个档案, 项目反弹, 单词不是关在笼子里

  • Participate in collaborative grant writing with community agencies

  • Join the Community 订婚 Committee to help build relationships between the community and the academy



的 性别和性行为研究中心 is now on Instagram!



CSGS会议主题演讲- Dr. C. 莱利Snorton
CSGS会议主题演讲- Dr. 塔里亚巴彻