金阿贝尔' 艺术istry in Environmentalism and Human Experience on view at t罗纳德·H. 洛杉矶加州州立大学的西尔弗曼画廊

2023年9月22日 作者:Jaime Korima Rodriguez照片:Iris Chu

出生在里士满高地, 密苏里州, 金阿贝尔 later moved to Los Angeles and began painting in the 1970’s. Kim Abele's work became world renowned in the 1980s for its explorative nature spanning across genres of biography, 地理位置, 女权主义, 和强调两个领域的环境. 一个是人类和家庭领域的世界, 它体现了社会问题和日常经历的视觉效果. 的 other highlights the experiences of nature impacted by society and environmentalism.  金阿贝尔 focuses on environmentalism and social political issues in part from growing up in a “steel town” in Pittsburgh. 他在20世纪70年代末搬到了洛杉矶, 她的艺术工作室周围开始出现血汗工厂, 启发她创作足彩外围网站“现实生活”的艺术. A culminating exhibition of her work entitled 金阿贝尔: Social Furniture (1976–2023) is now open in t罗纳德·H. 洛杉矶加州州立大学的西尔弗曼美术馆 until October 28, 2023. 

目前展出的是 智慧之珠,制作于2011年. 使用混合介质的作品,如聚酯纸, 纱线和线, 石膏纱, photography and the subject's words to emphasize the issues of domestic violence. 在这项工作中, 阿贝尔斯拍摄了妇女和幸存者的手的照片, moving beyond domestic violence they hand make interpretations of oyster pearls. 被石膏覆盖的手的照片, holding yarn with messages to viewers of their experience as domestic violence survivors. One message read, “I could run or I could look to myself, to my stronger core. My story is worthwhile if it helps others avoid the traps and the violence”. 这些图片和引用与墙上大小的图片组合在一起, 货架上展示的手工珍珠用红线连在一起, made by the family and supporters of those who are survivors of domestic violence. It’s important to note that the images of pearls are used within Abele’s work to emphasize the 方法 that “ … pearls formed inside oysters in response to harmful irritants,“同样, 这些参与者都是家庭暴力的幸存者"... transformed memories of domestic pain into objects and shared texts”.

For 亚伯 highlighting the experiences of survivors of various 社会问题 is done via diverse forms of imagery and mixed media. 在作品中 集体日记(献给艾滋病患者), 制作于1989-1993年, is an installation of 200 photographs of objects and scrapbook photos belonging to people with AIDS. 的 intimate black and white images range from photos of gay male erotica, 对《足彩外围网站》, 转到全家福. Some of the images are photos of the mail that people with AIDS received in the late 80’s and early 90s. 例如,在 集体日记(献给艾滋病患者), Abele’s created a desk to sit in front of the 200 black and white photographs that has a clear desk top. 仔细看, 这是阿贝尔所有工作的要求, one can see images of  informational brochures on how one does not contract AIDS amid the late 80s taboo and hysteria. Another image within the clear desk top is a response letter to an SSI applicant with AIDS who is denied services. 里面有很多阿贝尔的照片 集体日记(献给艾滋病患者), 都是非常亲密的图像, commenting on the humanity and the denied humanity of people with AIDS in the late 80s and early 90s. 

坚固和金属, 金阿贝尔, 作品《足彩外围网站》, 2016年制造,  对过路人来说,这似乎是对自我的敬意. With numerous cut outs of identification cards to various institutions fused to a metal chair; images of 金阿贝尔 with several haircuts and dates attached to these identification cards emphasize her many evolutions. 这引出了一个问题, is the metal chair full of Kim Abele's images with a mirror underneath it, 这是对自我的颂歌? Or a commentary on the various institutions we must be tied to, in order to function in society?

阿贝尔斯的另一件作品在罗纳德H博物馆展出. 足彩外围网站的西尔弗曼美术馆, 周杰伦:步行票。 1995. This image is a stencil from an original ink drawing, on a ceramic plate. This image not only elicits thought and at times concern but is an amazing commentary on the state and its impact on its inhabitants. 的 周杰伦步行票 highlights the 方法 that people have their movements controlled by the state and are made to pay financial consequences for disobeying. 添加, the image of a paper ticket being written out highlights the 方法 that people create trash and overuse paper. This image is a commentary on 社会问题 but also a statement on Kim Abele’s environmentalism work.

Kim Abele’s emphasis on environmentalism is further showcased within her work, 纸的人, 2009. 为了创作这幅阿贝尔斯收集的大型艺术品 某工厂一天内的废纸, 熨烫和层压,形成48 ' x 45 '的尺寸。 纸的人. Abele seems to use this piece to comment on the responsibility and relationship humans and our institutions have on the amount of waste created and accumulated in a single day. 看似忧郁和迟缓的肢体语言 纸的人 体现了, 毫不夸张地说, the humanistic and expressive inspiration behind Abele’s thought on the topic. 

金阿贝尔 uses waste and particulate matter such as smog to comment on the 方法 that the environment and humanity are inevitably linked. 亚伯, 我在洛杉矶住了很长时间, 想突出城市的空气污染. 通过一个名为 烟雾收藏家 1987-2020, 亚伯 places ceramic plates on top of her Los Angeles city studio to capture air particles and pollutants in the air. Al方法 with a steep message on both civic engagement and environmentalism, 阿贝尔斯在烟雾中描绘了烟尘, images of world leaders that have pledged in the past to do something about smog, 空气污染, 空气质量.  的 duration in which the ceramic plates were left out on her Los Angeles studio roof was intentionally dependent on each world leader's negative impact on 空气污染 and smog, 被这些统计数字所笼罩. Included are illustrations of Vladimir Putin, Ronald Reagan and Dilma Rousseff. 

包含环保主义的信息, 社会问题, 公民参与, Kim Abele的工作已经持续了几十年. Her work has been showcased in the New York Times, 的 Getty Museum and now, T罗纳德·H. 洛杉矶加州州立大学的西尔弗曼美术馆. 的 official opening reception of 金阿贝尔: Social Furniture (1976-2023) will be held on Saturday, 9月23日, 2023 1–6 pm.. 从9月14日到10月28日观看金阿贝尔的作品, 2023, closing with an exhibition walkthrough with the artist herself on October 28th, 从晚上6点到8点.