信,简历的 & 找工作


In general, you can get yourself in trouble saying too much—less is more. 介绍你自己, 突出你的技能和经验, 说明他们为什么要看你, 告诉他们你想要什么, 然后离开. Whether you are a major or minor, you should examine all of these letters; they will give you ideas.






你的简历应该快速阅读(10-15秒), eye-catching in that it draws the eyes of the reader to the key points/skills/achievements you would like to highlight, 并让读者对你的能力有一个全面的了解. 很多人建议你把你的教育背景列在最后. I do not favor this; your education immediately tells the reader who you are. It should be upfront, separated from the body of the resume, and easy to assess at a glance. (These resumes may not be very compatible with the data systems that HR use, 但总的来说, 它们对读者很友好. 把它们交给做决定的人.)




你不应该等到毕业后再找工作, and employers make hiring decisions much sooner than you think.  新员工的主要入职日期是6月/ 7月.  Interviewing for these positions can occur as early as the previous October, 到一月份,这个季节正如火如荼地进行着, 大多数决定都在4月份敲定.  This means: you should be applying for positions early as October and have completed most of your applications by January/February.

There are two other traditional hiring seasons that are less prominent: September and January.  Many institutions (particularly finance) experience turnover at the end of the summer, when firms make offers to the graduates of each other’s training programs, or when employees leave after end-of-the-year bonuses have been paid.  会有一些即时的空缺.  For these positions, you want to be applying August-October, and December-January.  这样的职位将会少得多.


实习期的招聘往往会稍晚一些, 通常从一月份开始, 到2月至3月,季节就会全面展开.  This means that you do not want to wait until April to seek an internship, 虽然那时可能会有一些招聘.  请联系CBE 位置服务 有关暑期实习的资料, and indicate your interest in an internship early; as well as conducting your own search.


那么你怎样才能找到一份你想要的工作呢? 这需要努力. 首先,你必须确定你想要什么. 这可能需要一些研究, 使用网络, financial websites—major banks and financial institutions are a great source: many have extensive job descriptions and sometimes video interviews with recent hires, if you fish around the sections for new graduates (undergrad and MBA). 财务部网页 金融事业 also contains descriptions of several traditional finance career paths. 但, you should do enough footwork to be knowledgeable about what you want. This is also one of the ways 招聘信息 will help you (discussed below).

一旦你弄清楚你想要什么, the single best way to locate a position is through personal relationships (e.g. 朋友, 父母, 其他学生, 或者和你一起工作过的人), 如果他们在这个行业, 或者认识业内人士, 他们可以帮你获得面试机会. Internships can help you greatly with this—even if they are unpaid. 但 if you don’t know anyone in the industry you are seeking, 你得打一些陌生电话, and this is where 招聘信息 will help you find a job or create a connection.


信息面试是什么? It is where you arrange to interview an individual you about a career and/or work environment at a specific firm. 这是一个非常棒的工具, 因为正确使用, it is a non-threatening way to develop connections and create real interviews. 此外, 你不必紧张, 你不是在申请一份工作(至少), 这就是你告诉每个人的。), 你是来获取信息的. 但如果你做得好, 他们很可能会把你的简历转发给人力资源部, 也可能是其他人. 如果他们真的喜欢你, they will ask you to apply or begin considering you (this actually happened to me).

那么它是如何工作的呢? 确定目标, people who are in mid-level to senior level positions in the careers and firms you would like to be hired. Ideally, you will interview with someone who can make a hiring decision. 而且你会提前研究这个职业和公司, write down a list of material questions you really want to know about, 永远专业着装, 带着了解职业的目标去面试. 最后一点至关重要. If you are trying to sneak in a job interview, people will see through it. 你是来获取信息的.

你想问什么?? Virtually everything is fair game, with one warning, don’t ask about vacation time. 这是扼杀任何机会的好方法, 因为他们会认为你更关心这个. 问他们是做什么的, 他们的一天/一周是什么样的, 作为新员工,你的第一年会是什么样子, 你的职业道路是什么. 技能要求, 小时, 根据你的职业发展来补偿, 旅行, 他们喜欢它的地方, 他们不喜欢什么. Ask what they would do if they were in your position to enter the career. 让他们说话. People love to talk about themselves and they love to give advice. 一直以来, do not worry about their perceptions of you or if they are going to ask you for your resume—keep your thoughts on finding out whether this is a career or firm you would like to go into. 让自己享受他们的陪伴. And the worst that can happen is they say “thank you very much”, and you move on to the next target. 但, 80%的时间, 他们会问你要简历的。”, 你最好拥有它, 为他们做好准备. 不要草率. (It is not unacceptable to offer your resume’ at the end of the interview, 如果他们没有要求的话. Some individuals will deliberately wait for you to see how assertive you are. 你提供它也不会有什么损失.)

你是怎么得到面试机会的? Friend, 父母, classmates, acquaintances, internships…and cold calling. 不要紧张. Most alumni love to give back, and this is a costless way for them to do it. Most people feel threatened when they are asked to give a job interview, 因为他们觉得他们有义务雇佣你. 但这不是你的要求. 你要的是信息和一个小时的指导. 和大学的校友中心联系一下. 同时,链接. Send out a few emails, you will be surprised who will be willing to talk to you. 大多数人喜欢帮助别人.


大多数公司在网站上都有招聘信息. 你可以直接申请,但竞争会很激烈. It becomes a law of large numbers, and nothing about you is personalized. 你最好打陌生电话, actually researching and approaching your targets (managing directors, 高级副总裁, 等.) where you know there are jobs available, and send them hard copies of your resume’. 但, it will probably be ten times easier to arrange an informational interview with these individuals. (One exception: if you have very specific skills that you know they are seeking, send a letter/email to them directly indicating your interest, 在你的简历上.)顺便说一句, I am a big fan of going around HR and sending a letter directly to managers of the groups you are trying to get hired in. If they find your resume interesting they will request you; and often times, 如果他们依赖人力资源, 他们永远不会看到它, 因为你的简历“不符合假定的要求”. 但是你必须要走那个步法.

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