
美国语言听力协会(ASHA), 成立于1925年, is a national voluntary membership association whose primary scientific and professional focus is on human communication behavior and disorders. 根据协会章程, 第二条, 美国语言听力协会的宗旨是:

• encourage basic scientific study of the processes of individual human communication with special reference to speech, 语言, 听力, 以及相关的疾病;

• promote high standards and ethics for the academic and clinical preparation of individuals entering the discipline of human communication sciences and disorders;


•促进调查, 预防, 人际交往障碍及相关障碍的诊断和治疗;



•向公众宣传传播科学和疾病, 相关疾病, 以及提供服务的专业人员;




文学硕士(M.A.加州州立大学语言病理学(住宿)教育项目, Los Angeles is accredited by the 听力学和语言病理学学术认证委员会 of the 美国语言听力协会, 研究大道2200号,310号, 洛克维尔,马里兰州20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700

1月1日生效, 1996, the Educational Standards Board was replaced by the 听力学和语言病理学学术认证委员会 (CAA), having responsibility for oversight of the accreditation of graduate education programs that prepare entry-level professionals in audiology and in speech-语言 pathology (LC 25-94, LC 26-94, LC 27-94, 及LC 28-96 [PDF]). 民航局负责建立, 定义, 监控, 实施研究生教育项目认证. “研究生”指的是获得硕士或博士学位的学士学位后课程, 无论是通过研究生或专业学校提供. 立法会法案(立法会第26-94号)对民航局的控罪是:

• formulate standards for the accreditation of graduate education programs that provide entry-level professional preparation in audiology or speech-语言 pathology,





The following excerpt from the ASHA Bylaws relates to the role of the CAA in 定义 and implementing the standards for accreditation:



该协会, 通过董事会的行动, 建立并保持学术评审制度. 该协会 shall establish the 听力学和语言病理学学术认证委员会 (CAA), which shall define the standards for the accreditation of graduate education programs and apply those standards in the accreditation of such programs. CAA还可以制定标准和流程,以批准培训支持人员的项目. Members of the CAA shall be appointed following policies established by the CAA and shall have final authority to establish the standards and processes for academic accreditation. 以适用既定的上诉程序为限, CAA对该奖项的决定, 扣缴, 或撤销学术认证为最终决定.

A. 认证在专业中的作用和价值

The 美国语言听力协会’s (ASHA) interest in accreditation is based upon the belief that all professions that provide services to the public have an obligation to ensure, 尽可能地, 会员提供的服务具有很高的专业素质. One effective way in which this obligation can be met is by establishing appropriate standards of educational quality and by identifying publicly those education programs that meet or exceed these standards. 认证的目的是保护学生的利益, 造福大众, 提高教学质量, 学习, 研究, 和专业实践. 通过其认证标准, 认证机构鼓励机构自由, 高等院校和研究生教育项目不断完善, 健全的教育实验, 建设性创新.

认证过程包括根据项目本身的使命对项目进行评估, 目标和教育模式——判断一个项目实现这些目标和目的的程度. 因此, the CAA does not explicitly prescribe the processes by which the program’s outcomes should be reached; rather, it evaluates a program’s success in achieving outcomes and goals that are consistent with its stated mission (including religious mission, 如果相关). 如果一个项目的目标和教育模式被清晰准确地描述, the different “publics” served by this program should be able to make intelligent and informed decisions about the quality of the program and the qualifications of the students it educates.

B. CAA认证的好处

The public is assured that accredited programs in audiology and in speech-语言 pathology are evaluated extensively and conform to standards established by the professions. 学生 can identify those education programs that meet their chosen profession's standards for a high-quality education. 认证 offers students the assurance that the academic and clinical education provided by the graduate education program will prepare them for entry into the professions. 例如, the ASHA Standards and Implementation Procedures for the Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) in audiology and in speech-语言 pathology require that applicants obtain a graduate degree from a CAA-accredited program, 自动满足CCC的学术和临床实习要求. 类似的, graduates from CAA-accredited programs will be prepared to meet state licensing and/or state teacher certification requirements, 如果这些元素包含在规划目标中. Colleges and universities benefit from the stimulus for self-evaluation and self-directed improvement that the accreditation process provides. The professions benefit from their members' vital input into the standards established for the graduate education of future professionals.

C. 对研究生教育项目的投诉




a. be against an accredited graduate education program or program in candidacy status in audiology or speech-语言 pathology;

b. relate to the Standards for 认证 of Entry-Level Graduate Education Programs in Audiology and 演讲-Language Pathology, 包括投诉与认可标准的关系;

c. 被清楚地描述, 包括收费的具体性质和支持收费的资料;

d. 在以下规定的时间内完成:

•如果投诉是由研究生或以前的学生提出的, 或者是前教职员工, 投诉必须在与项目分离*的一年内提出, 即使有关行为发生在提出投诉日期前4年以上;

•如果投诉是由在校学生或教职员工提出的, 投诉必须尽快提出, 但自行为发生之日起不超过4年;

•如果投诉是由其他投诉人提出的, 该行为必须至少部分发生在投诉提出之日之前的4年内.

*注:适用于毕业生, 以前的学生, 或者前教职员工提出投诉, the date of separation should be the date on which the individual was no longer considered a student in or employee of the graduate program (i.e., 毕业, 辞职, 正式退出或终止通知), 在任何机构申诉或其他审查程序结束后.


a. 包括验证, 如果投诉来自学生或教师/教学人员, that the complainant exhausted all pertinent institutional grievance and review mechanisms before submitting a complaint to the CAA;

b. 包括投诉人的姓名, address, and telephone contact information and the complainant’s relationship to the program in order for the 认证 Office staff to verify the source of the information;

c. 签署并以书面形式提交至美国.S. 邮寄、隔夜快递或手工递送(不通过电子邮件或传真):





投诉人的举证责任是证据的优势或更大份量. These procedures do not prevent the CAA from considering a complaint against an accredited or candidate program if the program is involved in litigation or other actions by a third party.