Student Highlights

在安吉尔·查韦斯的母亲对他高中时的糟糕成绩表示失望之后, 查韦斯发誓要提高自己的成绩,为更好的学业而努力. Chavez, the youngest of three children, 明白教育是向上流动和实现梦想的必要条件. 他在足彩外围网站就读本科,并被介绍给达芙妮·刘教授, 数学系的教员. With her encouragement, he applied and was accepted to Cal State LA’s NASA Data Intensive Research and Education Center in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (DIRECT-STEM) program, 在刘教授的指导下培养了他的研究兴趣. The program recruits highly competitive and historically under-represented students to provide NASA research experience in scientific computing and data analysis. After earning his bachelor’s degree, he continued his studies as graduate student in the department’s master’s program and the NASA DIRECT-STEM program
查韦斯很珍惜他在NASA DIRECT-STEM项目中的时光.

“DIRECT-STEM项目为我提供了充足的人脉机会. 通过这个项目,我在NASA-JPL和加州大学欧文分校实习,这极大地扩展了我的网络.”


“该项目每月举办研讨会,让我们学习其他学科,而不仅仅是数学. For example, 我获得了数据科学和气象科学方面的知识, 我认为这让我成为了一个更全面的未来科学家.”

This fall, 查韦斯将在明尼苏达大学继续他的研究生教育, where he will pursue a Ph.D. in mathematics. He aims to become a professor and found a version of the NASA DIRECT-STEM program where he teaches.

“I owe part of my success at Cal State LA to Dr. Liu. 她是一个强有力的指导者,对我总是耐心和理解. 当我想偷懒的时候,她在那里鼓励我继续前进. I aspire to be like her.”

虽然他会想念足彩外围网站熟悉的氛围, 查韦斯兴奋地开始了他学术生涯的下一个阶段. He is also encouraged to face any future challenges due to the training he received at Cal State LA. Above all, he marvels at the pride his mother bestows on him as he views his success as the fruit of her labor.

Jacob Parres-Gold 巴里·戈德华特卓越研究基金会授予 2019 Barry Goldwater Scholarship to Jacob Parres-Gold, an undergraduate majoring in biochemistry. The scholarship program is one of the oldest and most prestigious national scholarships in the natural sciences, engineering and mathematics fields, and seeks to identify and support college sophomores and juniors who demonstrate exceptional promise of becoming the nation’s next generation of research scientists.

毕业后,帕里斯-戈尔德计划获得博士学位.D. 攻读生物化学,并追求研究人员的职业生涯,最终成为一名教授. In his undergraduate career, Parres-Gold has gained research experience through his work in Professor Yixian Wang’s (chemistry and biochemistry) lab, 以及加州理工学院安进学者项目.

Parres-Gold is the second Cal State LA student to be named a Goldwater Scholar and is member of the University's Early Entrance Program. In his spare time, 他是化学和生物化学俱乐部的主席, and is an avid practitioner of parkour.

Serena Zadoorian Like many students at Cal State LA, Serena Zadoorian is a first generation college student whose family moved to the United States in search of a better life. Zadoorian在加州大学完成了她的本科学位, 不久之后,他开始在足彩外围网站攻读研究生学位. Last month, Zadoorian graduated with a master’s degree in psychology and was named the college’s Social Science Recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Student Award at the April Honors Convocation ceremony. 她在兼职工作以资助她的教育的同时获得了完美的平均绩点(GPA).

Zadoorian’s interest in psychology stemmed from her high school coursework in American Sign Language (ASL) when she noticed the distinctive visual attention of ASL users.

“不久之后,我开始与聋人社区的成员一起工作, I noticed that there was something unique about their visual attention – especially in the periphery of their visual field. 从那时起,这一观察帮助我形成了研究兴趣和硕士论文.”

Zadoorian’s academic work at Cal State LA has earned her numerous awards including the opportunity to conduct research under the tutelage of Joel Ellwanger, a faculty member in the psychology department.

“I love Cal State LA. 我永远感激我在学生时代所获得的资源. I received one-on-one mentoring from Dr. Ellwanger, and had the opportunity to present my research findings at the Western Psychological Association (WPA) and the American Psychological Society (APS) conferences. In fact, I will presenting at the American Psychological Association conference later this summer.”

This fall, Zadoorian将继续她在加州大学的研究生教育, Riverside while pursuing a Ph.D. in psychology.

“没有几位心理学教职员工的支持,比如布伦南博士. Hu, Dr. Dennis, and Dr. Fernando, I would not be where I am today. I am excited to embark on the next phase of my academic career with the hopes of becoming a professor and mentor to others.”

对医学院预科学生缺乏资源感到沮丧, Tatiana Eiley(图右二)和她的朋友兼同学, Jamie Sperati, established the Pre-med Club. Eiley describes the club as having three objectives: to provide resources to students such as full length practice exams, mock interview and personal statement workshops; to serve as an information hub for students seeking to go on to medical school after graduation and; to provide a supportive atmosphere for pre-med students on campus.

Eiley, 在学期结束前,谁担任俱乐部的现任主席, 自成立以来,俱乐部的活跃会员人数增加了一倍吗.

除了在俱乐部工作之外,Eiley还是Edward Eivers博士实验室的成员.D., and Paul Naguzian, Ph.D.在那里,她获得了研究经验.

“我确实充分利用了我在校园和大学里的时间. 我会想念一路走来帮助过我的所有教职员工, including Maite Villareal Rodriguez, who in addition to being the club’s advisor, 在过去的两年里对我来说是一个很好的资源吗. I will also miss my professors and mentors, Dr. Recinos, Dr. Eivers, Dr. Lanning, and Dr. Narguizian.”

In May 2018, Robin Sehler获得了地球科学硕士学位, a feat she once deemed impossible.
Robin于2016年进入地球科学与环境系学习, a wife, and a new mother. As a geology major in her undergraduate career, 罗宾寻求接受高等教育,以改变世界.
“I read an article in the LA Times that featured scientists who worked for Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) warning the public about the California drought. 不久之后,州长宣布加州的用水进入紧急状态. I was so inspired by the scientists' ability to enact change that I knew I wanted to work for JPL one day.”
Robin specifically chose to study geosciences at Cal State LA after researching the esteemed NASA DIRECT-STEM program and realizing that acceptance in the program would grant her access to JPL.
Though she was a step closer to her goal, she was apprehensive on how to fulfill her role both as a dedicated mother and wife while meeting the demands of a rigorous academic coursework. 她把功劳归功于足彩外围网站的教授(当时还是学生), 让她对如何平衡学校和家庭生活充满信心.
“Dr. Claudia Espinosa was my saving grace. 我记得读研究生的第一天和她共进午餐. 她告诉我,平衡学校和家庭生活的关键是安排饮食, studying, family time, and even relaxing. 第一次互动给了我勇气,帮助我分清轻重缓急.”
罗宾在自然与社会科学学院的时光确实收获颇丰,改变了他的一生. Her research primarily focused on water cycle, soil moisture, precipitation and how they interrelate. She was awarded an internship with JPL where she utilized NASA satellite data to compare precipitation data to soil moisture data using MATLAB and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). With her work in JPL being GIS intensive, Robin credits her education at Cal State LA (and especially the geosciences department's focus on GIS) in preparing her for sucess during her internship.
As graduation approached, Robin reflected on how grateful she is for having three strong women in her graduate career that she has looked up to: Dr. 叶教授是地球科学与环境系主任,李博士是她的指导老师. Lopez, geosciences and environment faculty.
“Dr. Li, Dr. Ye, and Dr. Lopez gave me wings to help in my internship. I was able to benefit from Dr. Li because of her engineering background and Dr. 叶老师对学生的奉献精神贯穿整个课程. 我很幸运有这么多女性领导者,”罗宾说.
Robin recently won a research internship position at Princeton University’s Cooperative Institute for Climate Science. For 10 weeks over the summer, she will stay at the university to work with renowned scientists at the National Oceanic Atmopheric Administration and the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (NOAA/GFDL), a world-leading center of earth system modeling, research and prediction.
“My family and I will take a road-trip to New Jersey before I begin my internship and they will be with me throughout the summer. 我很幸运,我丈夫的工作很灵活,这意味着他可以和我一起旅行.”
Looking to the future, Robin will continue with her internship at JPL with the hopes of attaining a staff position in the applied science department.
“One of the reasons why I enjoyed our graduate program was the close relationships I formed with my classmates and of course, faculty. 足彩外围网站的学生真正坚持“突破界限”的模式.’ Cal State LA students are willing to grow; they have hearts of champions. We work hard and encourage one another.”