Welcome to the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 政治科学 Department! This is a place for those who wish to study government, 政治, and power. We examine how individuals and groups make decisions, 寻求影响, and interact with one another in different political systems. Political science encompasses a wide range of subfields, including comparative 政治, 国际关系, 政治理论, 以及公共管理. 的 knowledge we provide helps students understand and change the world -- to preserve the best in 政治 and overcome the worst -- and prepare for careers in many different fields.



的 department offers three degree programs. 的 文学学士 provides a thorough overview of the main parts of the discipline, with specialization possible in the subfields of Global Politics, Prelegal研究, or Public Administration (minors are also offered in these areas). 的 文学硕士 provides more intensive and advanced instruction in political science, while the Master of Public Administration concentrates on core topics in the management of the public sector.


的 mission of the Department of 政治科学 is to combine 教学, 研究, and scholarship to educate students to:

  • Think critically and systematically about government and 政治 across local, 国家, 以及全局设置;
  • Prepare for successful careers and graduate study in law, 公共服务, 政治, 国际事务中, 以及其他许多领域;
  • Become active and informed citizens through an understanding of American 政治 and society; and,
  • Contribute to the discipline of political science through professional participation and scholarly activities in academic and civic communities.



教师 and students in the department engage in 教学 and learning -- critically and systematically -- about government, 政治, 公共事务, and public policy in the United States and the world. 作为一名政治学专业的学生, 你会磨练你的写作, 沟通, 分析, and data skills that are fundamental to a liberal arts education. Our program will prepare you to think critically and independently, help you appreciate differing points of view, and give you an improved knowledge of current affairs. 

的 BA degree provides pre-professional education for many careers, 包括政府服务, 非营利组织, 活动管理, 媒体, 教学, 和业务. 的 degree is also an excellent foundation for law school and other graduate programs. 的 MA and MPA programs prepare students for professional careers in such areas as 公共服务, 公营部门管理, 国际关系, 新闻, 和教学. 在所有情况下, the department's programs prepare students for more effective civic engagement and participation in American 政治 (as well as that of other countries).

的 American 政治科学 Association explains more about the discipline and career opportunities with a political science degree:


加州大学洛杉矶分校 is a superb place to study 政治:

  • Experienced and accomplished faculty members who cover the major fields in the discipline.
  • A department and university culture that values effective and enthusiastic 教学.
  • Relatively small classes (usually no more than 40 students) that encourage interaction among students and faculty.
  • An exciting location in the city of Los Angeles, with much to study nearby.
  • A record of graduates gaining admission to competitive law schools and graduate programs.
  • 实习机会, participation in our award-winning 模拟联合国 chapter, and field trips locally and to Sacramento and Washington, DC.

Undergraduate students are welcome to consult with the department chair for advice on department and university requirements. 学生 are also encouraged to utilize the services of the College of 自然科学s Advisement Center, especially on issues of reinstatement and academic disqualification. 

Department Chair and Undergraduate Advisor
教授. 泰勒: (电子邮件保护)

Master of Public Administration Program, Director and 研究生导师 
教授. Chongmyoung李: (电子邮件保护)

文学硕士 in 政治科学 Program, 研究生导师 
教授. Michael萨默森当: (电子邮件保护)

