
Electrical and 计算机工程 (ECE) students may request a lab locker to keep their belongings. The lockers are not to be used to stockpile equipment. 选择 学生导游 menu below, and follow the provided steps to request a lab locker. Scroll down to view useful manuals, how-to guides, and more!

储物柜请求-步骤 & 指南

联系 your instructor with questions or visit the 欧洲经委会 with general questions.
ECE instructors, please select the 教练指导 and follow the steps to 分配学生储物柜 and review the end-of-lab procedures.

点击 course name to view and download individual locker checkout forms. 联系 your instructor with questions.
这些表格 只有 work with Internet Explorer. Don't have Internet Explorer? Download the form and use Acrobat.

当然没有. 课程名称 & FORM 电路试验板
EE-2049 测量 & 电路 要求
EE-2449 数字逻辑 No
EE-3709 电子产品 要求
EE-3810 生物医学工程 No
EE-4330 电力电子 No
EE-4961 设计车站 No

Follow the steps below to obtain a student locker at the first meeting of your lab.

丢失的媒体项. Student Locker Checkout Guide

  1. 导航到 /ecst/ece/labs 网站.
  2. 点击 EE-XX link under the “Locker Request 形式” column on the 网站 to access the form.
  3. 学生 should work in groups of two or more.
  4. Both students shall type all required information on the EE-XX pdf form.
  5. If a single student needs a locker, enter any character for each field of the 2nd student.
    The error message “This Form is Incomplete” will disappear when all information is entered.
  6. 列印填妥的表格.
  7. Bring a school ID and the completed form to your instructor.

Provided below are the steps to 分配学生储物柜 and the end-of-lab procedure steps.

丢失的媒体项. Instructor Locker Checkout Guide

Collect the Locker Request Form & 分配学生储物柜.

  1. Obtain a Locker Content forms from the instructor's locker. The combination was emailed to you.
  2. Collect the Locker Request form and Student ID from the requesting student.
  3. Compare the Student ID to the information on the Locker Request form to validate the student's identity.
  4. Return the Student Id to the requesting student.
  5. Enter the assigned locker number into the "工作人员, Enter locker number here field on the Locker Request form.
    The assigned locker number can be found on the Locker Content form.
  6. Give the student the Locker Content form for their assigned locker.
  7. Keep the Locker Request Form, collected from the student, in the Instructor Locker.
  8. Return any unassigned Locker Content forms to the instructor locker and lock them.

At the end of each lab, instructors need to do the following.

  1. Lock the instructor's locker.
  2. Have the students turn off all equipment, including the computer and monitor.


eddie eagle one card swipe action


Certain classrooms are installed with card readers and electrified locks, which require the use of your Golden Eagle One Card with an active PIN. The College of 科普 is extending 加州大学洛杉矶分校 facility access to the Computer Lab by providing you with OneCard card access. 点击 入卡表格 button below to download and complete your request. 联系 your instructor with questions.


Visit the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Golden Eagle 一卡通门禁 webpage for more information on Door Access Authorization, instructions, and rules. The Golden Eagle One Card is the property of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 and is non-transferable. Use of the Card constitutes acceptance of all the University rules, regulations, and procedures. 


点击 title below to view and download information. Don't hesitate to get in touch with your instructor for additional assistance or questions.


Arlette Hattar, Department Coordinator
5151 State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032 | E&T A-342
TEL: (323) 343-4470 | FAX: (323) 343-4547 | Email: (电子邮件保护)
Hours of Operation: 9 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday