
加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA students are active in their fields and in the broader community. Recent accomplishments, contributions and activities of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA students can be found here.


Six current and former 加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA students participated in a 3-week study abroad course on Art in Public Spaces led by 加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA lecturer Thomas Lynch across Italy, 法国, 西班牙和摩纳哥. The course examined the process of promoting, 创建, delivering and supporting public art in Western European cities that represent significant, 启动长期承诺, 保护和提升公共艺术. Accompanied by 加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA Assistant Professor Dr. Jessica DeShazo and international artists John Fisher and Sandy Oppenheimer, students interacted with community leaders, 赞助商, 博物馆, 画廊, artists and local experts in the field of public art who collectively contribute to compose and produce art reflecting the cultural values and history of their communities. The course culminated in the development of public art strategies for Los Angeles County communities that describe, communicate and demonstrate the importance of public art, which were presented and shared with elected and appointed officials within Los Angeles cities and county. 



In the Fall 2017 elective MPA course POLS 5840 Issues in the Metropolitan Area, eight MPA students in partnership with Master of Public Policy students at Pepperdine University served as consultants to four Southern California cities--the 格伦代尔市, 洛杉矶市, the 派拉蒙之城 and the 圣莫尼卡市--on a diverse array of issues identified by the client cities. Under the guidance of lecturer Thomas Lynch, students conducted research on their client issue, and developed creative and innovative recommendations to address the problem. 有关项目的资料, and links to student presentations and client letters of appreciation can be found below.

CSULA MPA students Luis Orendain and Edward Padilla completed research and analysis on three projects for the 格伦代尔市's Dept. 创新,绩效和审计. Projects included analyzing "super users" of the city's 911 service, researching the establishment and operation of audit committees in 10 municipalities, and compiling research on fire prevention strategies from 12 municipalities. 


加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA students Luis Orendain (far left) and Edward Padilla (far right)

加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA students Susana Lopez and Peter Miranda analyzed and provided recommendations to 洛杉矶市' Information Technology Agency regarding potential job re-classifications for five ITA positions based on market research in the public and private sectors. 
Team Members Gaby Andrews, Susana Lopez, Peter Miranda and Zack Decker
加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA students Susana Lopez (far left) and Peter Miranda (third from left) 

加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA student Erika Estrada conducted research for the 派拉蒙之城's Public Safety Department on homeowners associations in the city and the role they play in addressing community concerns with the goal of 创建 a resource guide for Paramount residents that informs them whom to contact to address community concerns. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA student Belinda Martinez worked with the 派拉蒙之城's Public Information Officer and City Manager to provide creative ideas to raise awareness of the city's new "Shop Local - Spend in Paramount" campaign. 

派拉蒙之城 HOA Student Presentation 
派拉蒙之城 Shop Local Student Presentation

加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA student Erika Estrada (left)
加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA student Belinda Martinez (second from left)

加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA students Jose Chavez and Ivett Zazueta examined ridership and safety concerns regarding the 圣莫尼卡市's Big Blue Bus public transit system by analyzing data collected by the city and conducting a literature review of industry best practices with the goal of identifying successful strategies to address ridership and safety concerns. 

圣莫尼卡市 Big Blue Bus Student Presentation
圣莫尼卡市 Appreciation Letter

加州大学洛杉矶分校 MPA students Jose Chavez (second from left) and Ivett Zazueta (second from right)